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Wedding Italy I Do - review

Kate and Alex from UK - August 2006 Perugia (Umbria)

To say that we had a fairytale wedding might sound a bit cheesy, but there really is no other way to describe the time we spent at Castle Borgia and Monteluce. We were always determined to get married abroad and have a day that was unique to us, and we were prepared for this to take a lot of time and stress to organise. We needn’t have worried: Julie made the entire experience a joy. It was great having someone who knew what they were doing taking care of all the things that usually cause stress for brides-to-be, and being left with just the fun things to do (choosing what to wear, eat, drink, listen to etc). The castle itself was just stunning and the apartments at Monteluce, where our guests stayed for the week, were of the highest standard. All of the suppliers that Julie uses are of the highest quality; the food and wine were amazing, the flowers beautiful, and the musicians superb. To top it all off, Julie found us a very talented photographer who immediately understood what we wanted and captured the day in a way that most couples can only dream of. The amazing experience that we all shared was all anyone could talk about at the time and not much has changed seven months later! We feel so lucky to have had our dream wedding, and will always be very grateful to Julie and her team for making it happen for us. Thank you Julie; it was amazing. Kate and Alex

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