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Wedding Italy I Do - review

Carrie and Christophe from UK - August 2006 (Umbria)

As a little girl I always dreamed of the fairytale castle wedding, little did I know that it would come true. Our friends and family gave us lots of advice, warning us that arranging the wedding would be a stressful experience, so heeding their advice we visited Julie at the castle nearly a year before the wedding, much to her amusement J However after meeting Julie, seeing the beautiful castle and tasting the fantastic food we realised we were in safe hands, our whole wedding experience was relaxed, easy and enjoyable. On the wedding day the only thing I had to worry about was still fitting into my dress, after spending the week lounging by the castle pool and enjoying the fantastic Italian food. Not only did Julie give us our dream day but we have also made a great friend. Thank you.

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