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Wedding Italy I Do - review

Joanne and Ian from UK - May 2008 Perugia (Umbria)

Every girl grows up dreaming about their wedding day, for me I had always wanted to be married in a castle. Never once did I ever really think it would happen. Il-Borgia surpassed anything I could have imagined, it is a truly stunning place, and a magical setting for what was the perfect wedding day. We stayed at Il-Borgia for a week, with more family and friends staying at the Monteluce Villas. Through the week we had fantastic BBQ evenings at the castle, we even had a hog roast the night before the wedding to welcome all our guests, which Julie organise for us. It was a great way to get everyone to know each other and all the kids loved racing around the castle playing together. After spending 5 days site seeing and relaxing the big day arrived, Julie organised a fantastic hairdresser for me and all the bridesmaids. I was lucky enough to have a sister-in-law who is very clever at arranging flowers, so Julie arranged for the local florist to deliver just flowers the day before. Then my car arrived, which totally took my breath away, my mum and Julie had been emailing each other for weeks in secrete and had ordered a beautiful car all the way from Rome. (Thanks mum, Thanks Julie). Ian and Simon (the bestman) arrived at the town hall in style to, Julie's mum had a classic mini, which she was kind enough to lend us. The idea behind this was the film The Italian Job. Julie organised the timing perfectly, even down to calling our driver on the phone to let us know everyone was inside the town hall and that we could arrive in the Piazza. Not only can she organise all this, she also translated for us at the servicee string quartet played the most wonderful music, even as I walked into the ceremony the soloist sang Avia Maria. The photographer captured the most fantastic pictures throughout the day and into the evening and the food was beautiful from the buffet reception by the pool to the five course meal served at the front of the castle. The tables were decorated beautifully and the ambiance of the evening was so special and something we will never forget. Julie is a brilliant wedding planner, who goes out of her way to make every detail perfect. She is a truly lovely person and she has become a good friend. We thank you Julie from the bottom of our hearts for making our day more amazing than we ever could have imagined. Ian & Joanne Cobley Christine, mother of the bride, says: Well we have all settled back into our normal lives again. We have found it very hard to do that after the week we spent with you in your Castle. It was the most amazing week in our lives. We have travelled the world only to find that the best time we have ever had was almost on our doorstep in Umbria Italy at Il-Borgia Castle with you as out guide & host & also our friend. You did the most spectacular job of organising Jo & Ian's wedding it was far beyond our expectations. The Town Hall was so lovely & the car was amazing. Jo & Ian were so pleased. The Wedding breakfast was also amazing, I can't find the words to describe it all. We were so lucky with the weather also, must have been because it was your birthday ha!!. A great big THANK YOU JULIE from the bottom of our hearts, Brain & I are so pleased Jo & Ian chose to come to you for their wedding. Good luck in the future for you wonderful business, we wish all the very best of luck with it. The Castle is a very special place, thank you for sharing it with all of us. Love Chris & Brian Giles xx

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