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Wedding Italy I Do - review

Bevin and Heather from Canada - July 2009 Cortona (Tuscany)

Thank you for a wonderful week spent at the gorgeous Il Borgia Castle with family and friends who gathered from 3 countries to celebrate our wedding. Your attention to every detail from the tasty hog roast at the castle on the night of our arrival, to the bachelorette party aboard party boats to an island for dinner, to the Tuscany wine tour by coach was exceptional. The highlight was the most beautiful wedding in Italy we could have only imagined. While the groom and his party toured Umbria on rented Vespas, the bride and her party spent the day being pampered by the hairdresser, manicurist and makeup artist. The wedding was truly a fairytale wedding captured in detail by the photographer. The beautiful setting for the wedding ceremony at the Cortona Town Hall, and fabulous catered dinner at Il Borgia castle, accompanied by the marvellous string quartet provided a perfect day. The DJ played music into the late hours as we enjoyed cooling off in the pool at the castle after a hot July day. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day. We cannot imagine a better setting than Il Borgia castle and the Monteluce villas for a gathering of family and friends to celebrate a special occasion and make new friendships which will last a lifetime. Our family and friends from Canada, England and Australia will never forget our wonderful experience. Thank you for being with us every step of the way. We can look back on our entire week as a perfect, relaxing and stress free week. Best wishes, Heather and Bevin.

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